خصومات على جميع المنتجات 🌙🔥 توصيل مجاني للطلبات بقيمة 350 ريال
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy
Scrub Jacket ~ Cole Warm-Up Grey's Anatomy

Scrub Jacket Cool Grey's Anatomy

رمز المنتج: 0406-BLACK-XSM
Price SAR229.50 SAR270.00
Add embroidery or logo + SAR28 - SAR76
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First line:

Second line:


Font Color:

Place of name :

1- Orders with printing and embroidery service may take (
5 working days and more ) to be processed and shipped
2- Products with printing and embroidery services cannot be exchanged or returned


Place the logoon the sleeve

1- Orders with printing and embroidery service may take (
5 working days and more ) to be processed and shipped
2- Products with printing and embroidery services cannot be exchanged or returned

First line:

Second line:


Font Color:

Place of name :


Place the logoon the sleeve

1- Orders with printing and embroidery service may take (
5 working days and more ) to be processed and shipped
2- Products with printing and embroidery services cannot be exchanged or returned

Stand out by your look

Where to put the name

To the right of the chest To the left of the chest

Please Select

Your name

Please fill in this field

Font color

Please Select


Chancery Century Mont

Please Select


Place of the logo

On the sleeve

Please Select


Please Select


Where to put the name

To the right of the chest to the left of the chest

Please Select

Your name

Please fill in this field

Font color

Please Select


Chancery Century Mont

Please Select

Place of the logo

On the sleeve

Please Select


Please Select

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Product details

 Product specifications:

استمتع بمظهر عملي وأنيق مع سكرب جاكيت كول من جريز أناتومي كلاسيك، المصمم ليمنحك الراحة والمرونة طوال اليوم. يتميز بخامة ناعمة ومطاطية توفر حرية الحركة، إلى جانب تقنية Arcdry المقاومة للرطوبة التي تبقيك جافًا ومنتعشًا خلال ساعات العمل الطويلة.

 Product features:
Neck type رقبة دائرية بتصميم أنيق ومريح.
Sleeve type Long sleeves
Pockets 3 جيوب عملية:
جيب على الصدر لتخزين الأدوات المهمة.
جيبان أماميان لمزيد من الراحة وسهولة الوصول للأغراض الأساسية.
Type of fabric 
رايون (23%) – قماش خفيف وناعم يمنحك إحساسًا مريحًا طوال اليوم.
بوليستر (77%) – قماش قوي ومتين، مقاوم للانكماش لضمان متانة تدوم طويلاً.
Features of the material
 سهولة العناية – قماش سهل الغسل يحافظ على جودته بعد كل استخدام.
مقاوم للرطوبة بتقنية Arcdry – يحافظ على جفافك وانتعاشك أثناء العمل.
نهايات مطاطية عند الياقة والأكمام – لمظهر أنيق وراحة إضافية.
نسيج قابل للتنفس – يسمح بمرور الهواء للحفاظ على راحتك طوال اليوم.
مصنوع من قماش ستريتش عالي الجودة يتمدد في 4 اتجاهات – يوفر حرية حركة مثالية دون قيود.
إذا كنت تبحث عن جاكيت طبي يجمع بين العملية، الراحة، والأناقة، فإن سكرب جاكيت كول من جريز أناتومي هو الخيار المثالي لك.


Shipping and return


Which products can be returned?

  • Within 7 days of order processing and shipping 
  • Products must be in original condition 
  • It's unworn, unwashed, and has no traces of makeup on it.
  • It must be in its original packaging and all labels and price tags must not have been removed

  •  Free & Clearance Products & Accessories Clearance items Only items and colors shown are available Liquidation products are non-returnable and exchangeable only. These products cannot be exchanged or returned through the branches

Is there any charge for returning an order? There is no charge for returning an order Shipping is non-refundable

  • How can I exchange my order? If you wish to exchange your order, you can: (Submit a return request) via the website and once the items to be exchanged arrive at our office in Jeddah, a code will be sent to your email address to be used in your next order.
  • How can I make a return request? Click here
  • How long will it take for a refund? After receiving the product and confirming that all the conditions for returning the product mentioned above are met, you will be notified. If your request is approved, the amount will be credited to your account within 3

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